Thursday, 29 August 2013

Dogs [ An1malPet5 ]

Review Dogs


This charming new title is a collection of over 450 vintage photographs of dogs in all kinds of settings: under the Christmas table and in the sea; posing for a family portrait and being squeezed tightly by an over-enthusiastic toddler; a Chihuahua in a tea cup and a Great Dane standing as tall as its young owner. DOGS is an essential book for dog and animal lovers, presenting amateur, anonymous photographs of dogs from the turn of the century to the early 1950s in ordinary and extraordinary settings. Johnson’s collection of photographs, in its unpretentious attitude and days-gone-by aesthetic, presents a snapshot of family life and shows man’s timeless relationship with his “best friend.”

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Quotes Description:
This charming new title is a collection of over 450 vintage photographs of dogs in all kinds of settings: under the Christmas table and in the sea; posing for a family portrait and being squeezed tightly by an over-enthusiastic toddler; a Chihuahua in a tea cup and a Great Dane standing as tall as its young owner. DOGS is an essential book for dog and animal lovers, presenting amateur, anonymous photographs of dogs from the turn of the century to the early 1950s in ordinary and extraordinary settings. Johnson’s collection of photographs, in its unpretentious attitude and days-gone-by aesthetic, presents a snapshot of family life and shows man’s timeless relationship with his “best friend.”

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